Home New Focus

New Focus

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Where has Lime been?

Training and Selections for the military have stalled development and progress understandably, but this has now allowed Lime to progress exponentially in the ultimate focus and vision of Lime. To elevate current cyber war capability and develop new TTPs that will influence at a national level.

What does that mean?

New priority and focus will be solely devoted to developing and furthering nation-state cyber war capability. This will include tool development, research and thought projects, focus on technically malicious content (thus is the nature of warfare), and augmenting current friendly and allied forces with innovative solutions.

What’s brewing?

Right now red team infrastructure and operational research are on the list. We recently acquired some sub 1 GHz RF devices to play around with the eventual focus to get into Infrastructure and physical cyberwar (SSE for example) and enhancing the capability of SKTs in the wild. This includes improving SUAS platforms to integrate with current cyber warfare modules, writing malware to target critical infrastructure, and RF hacking and hunting (including car hacking). A lot is on the drawing board right now and as we get our feet out of the mud (literally) and back into civilization we’ll continue to update the website with our progress and research.

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