
New Focus

Where has Lime been? Training and Selections for the military have stalled development and progress understandably, but this has now allowed Lime to progress exponentially in the ultimate focus ...

Barclay's Red Team Entry Challenge (Delta)

Overview The machine didn’t require any footholds into the actual box itself. It held a easy web challenege requiring no enumeration apart from active recon. The reversing aspect was a easy/low med...

SIP Bypass POC

What’s System Integrity Protection (SIP) and Why Do We Care? According to Apple, “System Integrity Protection is a security technology in OS X El Capitan and later that’s designed to help preven...

Nax TryHackMe Write up

THM- NAX Overview This box made use of web enumeration and obscure steganagrophy. There wasn’t much post exploit to be done making it a pretty start to finish box once finding a foothold. Notabl...

OpenVPN (UDP) DPI Bypass

How does DPI (Deep Packet Inspection) identify OpenVPN in the first place? So to answer that question we have to fully understand what takes place when your packets are scanned by DPI, and how Ope...